ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Переведите, обращая внимание на размещение ремы в английских предложениях.
a. There is a new point of view on this problem.
b. A new computer was bought for the lab.
c. It is the computers which provide the key to the fully automatic factories of the future.
d. There are some grounds for supporting this grounds.
e. We had to involve experts to solve this problem.
f. A new exhibition has been organized in this building.
g. Social issues will certainly be taken care of by the new management of the company.
h. There are some items on the agenda.
i. It was until 1995 that he published his book.
j. It was Pr. N, who was selected chairman of the meeting.
k. His answer was appreciated by everybody.
ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Ознакомьтесь с текстом. В каких предложениях необходимо изменить расположение смыслового центра высказывания?
Some twenty five years ago a group of science men formed in America. They were eminent scientists in many different fields, but they were united by a common interest in particular kind of problem. In a nutshell, this was the problem of control. The time was ripe for some new thinking on this topic. Particular manifestations of the control problem were arising at this time because of the Second World War. In fact, several rapidly developing lines of thought, originating in quite different spheres of activity, were coming together.
People were busy with the design of electronic control machinery of various kinds. Mathematicians were trying to help by discussing the behavior of information inside these electrical systems in terms of mathematics. Biological scientists had also shown interest in problems of control, and in the way information behaves in the body of animal. They were beginning to make attempts to discuss such questions formally with the help of mathematics. Logicians, engineers, psychiatrists – all these and others were finding roads which led to the same basic topic: the notion of control itself. Gradually scientists began to realize, though the terrible barrier constituted by their different professional language, that they were talking about the same thing.
(Рубцова М.Г., стр. 185-186)