ЗАДАНИЕ1. Переведите предложения. Определите прием перевода глагола “to have”.
1. You are making a big mistake.
2. I always make a cup of tea before going to bed.
3. It made me feel worse than ever.
4. They were made for each other.
5. “I am nor going to make any speech”, the boss said.
6. The clerk makes for the door, whistling the latest popular love song.
ЗАДАНИЕ 2. Переведите, используя прим генерализации.
1. Three long years had passed over my head since I had tasted ale, beer, wine, liquor of any kind.
2. What will you have now – cheese? – Thank you, sir, I’ve had too much already, but I won’t say “No”, “Two Stiltons”, said Michael.
3. No hanging Bill.
4. He wants his dinner.
5. He sailed to Great Britain.
ЗАДАНИЕ 3. Переведите, используя прием антонимического перевода.
1. I don’t suppose you are in any hurry to get back.
2. I cannot forget the smallest detail of that room.
3. You have to remember that this was in the sixties.
4. He wished Beth were there …
5. He tried to be off-hand and too obviously uninterested.
6. It wasn’t a pretty story, was it? – No, not pretty.
7. … the plane didn’t land till after seven.
8. Paul had very little difficulty in finding the dining hall.
9. I wish the doctor hadn’t gone.
10. Honey, a thin, not unattractive girl of twenty, enters the living-room with the morning paper.
ЗАДАНИЕ 4. Определите способ перевода, следующих слов и словосочетаний:
Skyscraper - небоскреб; Decembrist – декабрист; Rocky Mountains – Скалистые горы; Lake Superior – Озеро Верхнее; Trafalgar Square – Трафальгарская Площадь; International Monetary Fund – Международный валютный фонд.
ЗАДАНИЕ 5. Сгруппируйте предложения в зависимости от способа их перевода.
1. Mind your own business – Не лезь не в свое дело.
2. There are very little trouble – Они не причинят никаких хлопот.
3. How do you do? – Здравствуйте.
4. Keep off the grass – По газонам не ходить!
5. Well done – Молодец!
6. Hear, hear – Правильно!
7. That will do – Достаточно.
8. Push – К себе
9. Pull - От себя
10. She wasn’t looking too happy – Вид у нее был несчастный.
11. Here you are – Вот.
12. Help yourself – Угощайтесь!
13. Watch the doors, please – Осторожно, двери закрываются.