Fill in the table.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Translation Transcription
exploration explore     исследование [‚eksplq′reISqn](n)
improvement improve     улучшение [Im′pru:vmqnt](n)
input   input
    reliable     [rI′laIqbl] (n)
pressure       давление [′preSq] (n)
universe   universal
solution solve  

Divide the words into four columns according to their part of speech (verb, noun, adjective, adverb).

diffuser, diffusibility, diffusion; strength, strengthen; workability, workable; vapourize, vaporization; treated; synchronize, synchronous; successful, successfully; stainless; meaningful, meaningless; employed; doubtful, doubtless; disturbed, disturbing; assured; assistant; dependent; technology.


Choose the appropriate equivalents.

1. улучшаемый, улучшенный; 2. открываемый, открытый; 3. устанавливаемый, установленный; 4. исследуемый, исследованный; 5. поддерживаемый, поддержанный; 6. встречаемый, встреченный; 7. разрушаемый, разрушенный; 8. помещаемый, помещённый;

a. put; b. improved; c. established; d. explored; e. opened; f. met; g. destroyed; h. maintained.


4. Put in the missing words, using the words from the table above:

1. A … system is a data technology that uses discrete (discontinuous) values.

2. Alex was, without question, the most … technician in the team.

3. It was a difficult equation, but it took her only five minutes to work out the … .

4. The … of the water turns the wheel.

5. We knew what had to be done, but it wasn't an easy … .

6. The microscope is perhaps the most widely used scientific… .

7. There have been major new developments in satellite … .

8. The company has spent millions of dollars replacing outdated computer … .

9. The system is new, but so far it seems to be … .

10. Workers at the factory are making steel … for cars.

11. Perhaps you'd like to have a look at our new … model?

Match the words with the opposite meaning.

1. internal 2. insulator 3. to decrease 4. high 5. initial 6. opened 7. input a. to increase b. external c. closed d. output e. low f. final g. conductor

Cross out the odd word. All the words in the line should belong to one part of speech.

1. complete, carry out, measurement, perform

2. wire, bulb, socket, switch off

3. winding, capacitor, frame, rectify

4. current, power, electrical, flow

5. into, out of, from, careful

6. transformer, alternate, rectifier, generator

7. voltage, insulate, frequency, resistance