Match the English sentences with their Russian equivalents. Define the forms of participles (Present/Past/Perfect/Active/Passive).
1. They were watching the moving particles. 2. The substance being investigated was brought to the laboratory. 3. When carrying out the experiment the scientist met many difficulties. 4. Не is carrying out the experiment now. 5. The results obtained are of great importance for the radio-engineer. 6. When designed the device was given to the laboratory. 7. The device was designed by the engineer. 8. The designed device was used in radio-engineering. | a. Прибор был сконструирован инженером. b. Когда прибор был сконструирован, его отдали в лабораторию. c. Сконструированный прибор использовался в радиотехнике. d. Полученные результаты очень важны для радиоинженера. e. Сейчас он проводит эксперимент. f. При проведении эксперимента (проводя эксперимент) ученый столкнулся со многими трудностями. g. Исследуемое вещество принесли в лабораторию. h. Они наблюдали за движущимися частицами. |
Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle I.
1. The scientist working at this design is well known. 2. Carrying out the experiment he made use of some new instruments. 3. These new devices are replacing their older equivalents. 4. Speaking about the new method of work the engineer told us many interesting details. 5. Radio occupies one of the leading places among the greatest achievements of modern engineering. 6. Being cooled water turns into ice. 7. The electric current passing through a wire will heat it. 8. Transistors contain no moving parts. 9. The scientist is carrying on an important research. 10. Developing the new method they achieved good results.