(Выполнение проверяется в конце 3 семестра)


1. Формы глагола. Система времён в английском языке – стр 36 2. Времена группы Simple: Present (стр 38), Past (стр. 69), Future (стр.104). 3. Выражения с глаголом "to be" – стр56 4. Степени сравнения прилагательных – стр. 52 5. Текст "My working day" 6. Тема "My working day"


I. Изучите грамматический материал, обозначенный выше (страницы учебника указаны).


II. Выполните письменно:


Упражнение № 1.Постройте предложения из этих слов. Употребите глаголы в правильной форме.


1. /always / early / Julia /arrive.

2. / basketball / I play /often.

3. / work / Mary / hard /usually.

4. / Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear.

5. / lunch / we / have / always / at 2 p. m..

6. / television / my brother / watch /never.

7. / like / chocolate / children / usually.

8. / Ann / parties / enjoy / always.

9. / it /a lot /in winter /snow.


Упражнение № 2.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме Present Simple.


1. My father (go) to work early in the morning.

2. My mother (stay) at home, she (do) the housework.

3. I never (oversleep) as the alarm-clock (wake up) me.

4. She (speak) English at the lessons.

5. We (listen) to her attentively.

6. He always (do) his morning exercises.

7. He (drink) a lot of tea in the morning.

8. My brother (come) home late at night as he (was) busy at work.

9. The teacher (come) into the classroom and (shut) the door.

10. We all (stand up) to greet her.


Упражнение № 3.Сделайте предложения отрицательными.


1. They have an English lesson every day.

2. I work late in the evening.

3. We come back home at the same time.

4. She sees her friends in the morning.

5. We write many exercises in English.

6. He goes to bed at 10 o’clock.

7. Usually it rains in autumn.

8. We play football every Sunday.

9. She eats much.

10. There are many text-books on the table.

11. I like to watch the TV at night.


Упражнение № 4. Сделайте предложения вопросительными.


1. He washes his hands.

2. Their mother works at the plant.

3. They speak English very often.

4. My friends spends a lot of time in the library.

5. There is too much sugar in the tea.

6. There are many students in the classroom.


Упражнение № 5.Закончите предложения, поставив глаголы в правильной форме.


1. Where……….?(you, live)

2. How……..to work(Ann and Peter, travel)?

3. Everybody in the class………English. (speak)

4. My brother………in Russia. (not live)

5. What sort of food……….?(they like)

6. My sister………in a large flat in the suburbs. (to live)

7. ……….in London?(she work)

8. “…. Michael Jackson?” “No, I don’t.”(you, know)

9. ……….newspapers on Sundays? (you, read)

10. What time…………..to bed? (your children, go)

11. Where … your mother………?(work)

12. Who……..his address? (know)

13. … very well. (your brother, play)

14. My sister and her husband haven’t got a car, ……….to work by bus. (they, go)

15. My sister and I …shopping, but my brother… it .(dislike, love)


Упражнение №6.Переведите на английский язык.


1 Боюсь, что он занят. Позвони ему сама.

2 Ты уверена, что она дома?

3 Он пропустил занятия, т.к. был занят.

4 Он должен быть готовым через 15 минут.

5 Уже поздно, все проголодались.

6 Не сердись на него, он сам сожалеет об этом.

7 Ты боишься экзамена?

8 Я не знаю, кто виноват в этом.

9 Если хочешь пить, возьми стакан сока.


Упражнение №7.Дополните предложения. Используйте сравнительную степень прилагательных.


1. You are not very tall. Your brother is … .

2. Tom doesn’t work very hard. I work … .

3. It’s not very worm today. It was …yesterday.

4. My bag isn’t very heavy. Your bag is…… .

5. I’m not very interesting in art. I’m…………in history.

6. Britain isn’t very big. France is…… .

7. My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is……… .

8. These flowers aren’t very nice. The blue ones are … .

9. My job isn’t very interesting. I want to do something … .

10. Her car isn’t very good. She wants a ………one.

11. This knife isn’t very sharp. Have you got a ………..one?

Упражнение № 8.Вставьте глаголы в правильной форме: утвердительной,

вопросительной или отрицательной.


1. We went to the cinema, but the film wasn’t very good. We …….. it. (enjoy)

2. Tim ………. some new clothes yesterday – two shirts and a jacket. (buy)

3. “……..yesterday?” ‘No, it was a nice day.” (rain)

4. It was very warm in the room, so I ……… a window.

5. “Did you go to the bank this morning?” “No, I ……. time.” (have)

6. “I cut my finger this morning” “How ………that?” (do)

7. The party wasn’t very good, so we ……… long. (stay)


Упражнение № 9.Вставьте “will” (‘ll) or “won’t”

1. I’m sorry I was late this morning. It … never happen again.

2. It’s my brother’s birthday next Sunday. He … be 19.

3. Don’t drink coffee before you go to bed. You … sleep.

4. “Are you ready yet?” “Not yet. I … be ready in five minutes.”

5. It … rain, so you don’t need to take an umbrella.

6. Call me. I … be at work.

7. Yesterday she was in New York, today she … be in Smolensk, at the end of the trip she … be very tired.


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