The Manufacturing Process (4)
I. Words to be remembered.
1) coated paper carton 2) bottle 3) to seal 4) destined 5) retail sale 6) grocery store 7) to stamp 8) retailer 9) to allow 10) to be stored 11) protective shipping container 12) warehouse 13) condition 14) inner 15) incorporated 16) solvent 17) to flush clean 18) influx | ламинированная картонная коробка бутылка запечатывать предназначенный розничная продажа гастрономический магазин, бакалея ставить печать розничный торговец, продавец позволять хранить(ся) защитный перевозочный контейнер склад условие внутренний встроенный, объединенный с чем-л. растворитель промывать начисто доставка |
II. Read and translate the text.
The Manufacturing Process (4)
The milk is pumped into coated paper cartons or plastic bottles and is sealed. In the United States most milk destined for retail sale in grocery stores is packaged in one-gallon (3.8-liter) plastic bottles. The bottles or cartons are stamped with a "sell by" date to ensure that the retailers do not allow the milk to stay on their shelves longer than it can be safely stored.
The milk cartons or bottles are placed in protective shipping containers and kept refrigerated. They are shipped to distribution warehouses in refrigerated trailers and then on to the individual markets, where they are kept in refrigerated display cases.