How Bread is Made
By law bread in the UK has to be produced in form of 400g (except for breads and rolls weighing less than 300g). Therefore most loaves of bread weigh either 800g (large) or 400g (small).
The principles of baking bread have been established for hundreds of years. The basic ingredients are flour, yeast, salt and water.
Wheat is grown in many parts of the world. However, flour made from hard wheats such as those produced in North America is higher in protein/gluten. Hard and soft wheats in milling terms are equivalent to strong and weak flours in baking.
Wheat flour is the key ingredient in most breads. Flour quality is particularly important in breadmaking as the quality of the flour will have a significant impact on the finished product.
Yeast requires moisture, food and warmth for growth. When these requirements are satisfied, the yeast grows. Its function in breadmaking is to: produce carbon dioxide gas to enable the dough to rise; form the cellular network found in bread crumb; give bread its characteristic aroma.
Salt is an essential ingredient in bread. It is used in very small amounts to give bread flavour. It also helps to control fermentation to produce bread of good volume and texture.
Water is used to produce the dough. The water must be the correct temperature and quantity when making bread, because it affects the dispersal of the other ingredients.
Vegetable fat is used in very small quantities; it helps to keep the bread soft and also helps the dough pass more easily through the production process.
And the additional ingredients are Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vinegar which ensure the crumb structure, softness and freshness of the product.
III. Find the English equivalents in the text.
Взвешивать; принципы выпечки хлеба; выращивать; однако; белок; основной ингредиент; качество муки; главное значение; пища; позволять; увеличивать; характерный вкус; контролировать брожение; качество; рассыпание других ингредиентов; растительный жир; сохранять хлеб мягким; дополнительные ингредиенты; аскорбиновая кислота; уксус; свежесть.
IV. Complete the sentences.
1. Water in breadmaking produces …
2. Yeast gives bread …
3. The essential ingredients in breadmaking are …
4. Salt controls …
5. Flour quality in breadmaking has a significant …
6. Loaves of bread usually weigh …
7. Vegetables fat keeps the bread …
Text 3