How to invest the money.
The easiest way to disappear the money, especially if it's already cash (as opposed to, let's say, silver bullion or a winning lottery ticket) is to just stash it in a safety deposit box. You miss out on any investment income, but it's safe and you know where to find it.
If you really want to be able to invest the money, get it overseas. If it's an amount that you can just carry with you, buy a vacation package to the Cayman Islands or visit your family roots in Europe and take a little side trip to Switzerland or Austria or Liechtenstein.
There are plenty of fancy, complex ways to get the money overseas, that mostly require an accomplice. The most basic is an invoice scam. Establish a business that imports or exports something. Meet with your customer or supplier and arrange with him to either over-pay or under-bill, and then to have your counterpart deposit (most of) the excess into your foreign bank account. An ongoing scheme is good, because the guy knows that the lucrative cash flow will stop if you find out the money isn't getting deposited as it should, but you can also work this as a one-shot deal if your counterpart can be trusted.
Banks used to help their good customers get money discretely overseas, but nowadays there is a bunch of laws against such things, and bankers are particularly averse to going to jail for their customers. Expect them to refuse to get involved and to rat you out.
to disappear – исчезать, скрываться
especially– в особенности, главным образом
to stash – припрятывать, утаивать
to invest - инвестировать, вкладывать денежные средства
overseas – заморский, внешний, иностранный
to require – требовать
accomplice – сообщник, соучастник
invoice – фактура, накладная, реквизиты
scam – мошенническая подделка, афера
customer– покупатель, заказчик
supplier – поставщик, снабженческая фирма
to arrange – приводить в порядок, классифицировать
lucrative – прибыльный, выгодный, корыстный
cash flow – движение наличных средств, оплата наличными
discretely– прерывисто, по отдельности
averse – несклонный, питающий отвращение
to jail– заключать в тюрьму
to refuse– отказывать, отвергать, отрицать
to involve– включать, содержать, предполагать, вовлекать
to rat out – сбежать, отстраниться
2. Read the text again to answer the following questions:
1. What is the easiest way to make the money disappear?
2. What is the best way to invest the money?
3. How is it possible to get the money overseas?
4. What is an invoice scam?
5. How can a lucrative cash flow be defined?
6. Banks used to help their good customers get money discretely overseas, didn`t they?
7. Are bankers particularly averse to going to jail for their customers?
3. Translate the following words and word combinations from English into Russian:
the easiest way, to disappear, cash, to stash, to miss, investment income, overseas, to carry, vacation package, family roots, complex ways, to get the money overseas, to require, accomplice, invoice scam, to establish, to arrange, to over-pay, counterpart, account, ongoing scheme to find out, deal, customer, a bunch of laws, averse, jail, to refuse.
4. Find the English equivalents for the following words and phrases:
банковский счет, прибыльный, прерывисто, афера, соучастник, сбежать, отказывать, пропускать, фактура, исчезать, заморский, приводить в порядок, доход, вклад в банке, количество, нести, множество, сбежать, покупатель, устанавливать, прятать.