Change the words according to the model. Translate the words.
Model: expansion, to expand – растягивать
generalization, to ______________ - ________________
classification, to _________________ - ________________
reflection, to ____________________ - _________________
relation, to _____________________ - ________________
impression, to __________________ - _________________
5. Put down the English for:
Translate the following words and word combinations in writing.
"Pork with Russian sauce" ____________________________
"Russian cutlets" __________________________________
"The book about tasty and healthy cuisine"_______________
every-day Russian cuisine _____________________________
in the end __________________________________________
Read and translate the text.
Below you can see a list of most popular Russian recipes that can be cooked at home without many efforts. Author tested all these recipes and some of them are often used in everyday cooking. In general each cuisine roughly can be divided into two groups of dishes - official dishes and every-day dishes. The same is with Russian cuisine. Official dishes demand much time for cooking, often they include many different products. So in the end these recipes are Russian only by name, something like "Pork with Russian sauce", "Russian cutlets" etc. In opposite the every-day dishes that are cooked of common products and in limited time range reflect the real Russian cuisine and they give the real impression about Russian cuisine. Here are recipes of so-called every-day Russian cuisine. Recipes are written in accordance with classical Russian cooking book which was called "The book about tasty and healthy cuisine" but with some practical comments.
8.Pair work. Tell your group-mates about "The book about tasty and healthy cuisine" you have at home.
Lesson 4
A) Cover the right column and read the English words. Translate them into Russian and check your translation.
B) Cover the left column and translate the Russian words back into English.
appetizers закуска (кушанье, подаваемое перед горячими блюдами)
piquant пикантный
horse-radish хрен
pungency едкость, острота
2. Read the words and put down their Russian equivalents:
kvass ____________________________________________
Russian vinaigrette salad ____________________________
Mixed meat jelly (holodets) ___________________________
Fish jelly __________________________________________
Salted herrings, home style ____________________________
Think of four questions covering the text. Put them to your group-mates.