Answer the following questions.

1. How many labels do foodstuffs in the UK have?

2. What does best before indicate in the UK?

3. Federal law in the US doesn`t require expiration dates, does it?

4. What is typically labeled with a sell by date in the US?

5. What provides background information on the general labeling requirements in Australia and New Zealand?

6. What dates are old technologies according to the UK minister?

7. Name the ways to enhance sell by and use by dates.

8. What shows whether the product is still fresh?

Find Russian equivalents to the given English terms.

1. expiry date 1. видимое изменение цвета
2. reasonable limits 2. устаревшие технологии
3. fairly rapidly 3. исключительно добровольно
4. strictly voluntary 4. относительно быстро
5. consumer demand 5. скоропортящаяся еда
6. perishable foods 6. срок годности
7. immediate consumption 7. испорченная еда
8. visible color change 8. незамедлительное употребление
9. outdated technologies 9. потребительский спрос
10. spoiled food 10. разумные пределы

Say whether the statements are true or false?

1. EHO Food Hygiene certification is required to prepare and distribute food. 2. Use by indicates a future date beyond which the food product may lose quality in terms of taste or texture amongst others, but does not imply any serious health problems if food is consumed beyond this date (within reasonable limits). 3. With the exception of infant formula and baby foods which must be withdrawn by their expiration date, Federal law requires expiration dates. 4. In response to consumer demand, perishable foods are typically labeled with a Sell by date. 5. At the same time, a large number of people get sick every year due to healthy food. 6. According to the UK minister Hilary Benn the use by date and sell by dates are old technologies that are outdated and should be replaced by other solutions or disposed of altogether. 7. There is no ways to enhance sell by and use by dates. 8. Foodstuffs in the USA have one of two labels to indicate the nature of the deterioration of the product and any subsequent health issues. 9. Foods for catering purposes mean those foods for use in restaurants, canteens, schools, caterers or self-catering institutions, where food is offered for immediate consumption. 10. According to the UK's Waste & Resources Action Programme, 99% percent of all food produced is wasted along the chill chain or at the consumer.

Be ready to tell about consumer labeling.

Text 4.

Consumer tips: How to keep food safe