Relationships, to hold a position, authority, complex, task, a line department, a staff department.

1. Organization structure shows … between each position and positions above and below.

2. A sales manager has direct … over a salesman.

3. As a rule a … usually does not give orders to other departments.

4. When the business gets more … there is a need for staff departments.

5. My friend … … of sales manager.

6. The … of staff departments is to do different services.

7. My friend works in a … …, he is responsible for the company product.

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1. Transfer the sentences from Active into Passive.

Model: The manager examines organizational structure of the firm.

Organizational structure of the firm is examined by the manager.

1. Vice-president gives orders to his employees.

2. I receive orders from the sales manager.

3. My friend holds a position of general manager.

4. Personnel office receives resumes from prospective candidates.

5. Staff departments do different services to line departments.

6. He takes the orders and fulfils the task very quickly usually.

Business and Banks


Banks are different in different countries. Let’s speak about the banks in the United States of America. There commercial banks are classified into two main groups. First there are national banks. They are charted and supervised by the Federal Government. Secondly there are state banks. They are charted and supervised by the state in which they are operated. All commercial banks can make loans to borrowers.

Major commercial banks in such cities as Tokyo, Paris, Rio cooperate with each other. In this way they finance imports and exports between countries.

An importer buys merchandise from another country using the currency of that country. For that purpose he buys this currency from the foreign exchange department of this bank. And in the same way if an exporter receives foreign money from sales to other countries he sells this currency to this bank. By this method the currency of any country can usually be exchanged.


Active Vocabulary



commercial bank

national bank

to charter

to supervise

state bank



foreign exchange department

to exchange currency

safety deposit box


коммерческий банк

национальный банк

учреждать, создавать

заведовать, контролировать

государственный банк


валюта, деньги

отдел обмена валюты

обменивать валюту

сейф для депозитов для частных лиц



Vocabulary Practice

Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence: