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to have и to be.
1. This year … in store for us a lot of problems.
2. Payment … in hard currency.
3. Many shops … their own buyers.
4. You … a head of committee on economic reform.
5. I … the correspondent for Business World.
6. He … all possibilities to do it.
7. It … important to have gold to support credits.
8. Communications … still a big problem.
9. I know that Mr. Collins … a fax machine.
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The way of business organization and control depends largely on business size and what it does.
There are four types of business organization: the one man business (sole trader); the partnership; the private limited company; the public limited company.
When we think about business organizations we must always ask ourselves:
1. Who owns the business?
2. Who controls the business?
3. Who provides the capital for the business?
The one man business is the smallest type of business organizations and is owned and controlled by one man. It is often a retail shop such as a grocer, butcher, newsagent, etc. All of the profits are taken by the owner. He sets his own working hours, conditions, holiday etc.
When a person wishes to start a one man business, he raises the capital from his own resources or by borrowing from friends and relatives. He may have difficulty in obtaining a bank loan.
The one man business has unlimited liabilities. This means that if a business goes into debt, the creditors can lawfully take owner’s private assets. An unsuccessful businessman has to sell his house, car etc. to pay his business debts.
If the owner is ill the business may have to close down. The owner may have to work very long hours and if he makes no profit he gets no wages (90% of one man business become insolvent in their first 12 months’ trading).
sole одиночный, единоличный
limited company акционерное общество с ограниченной ответственностью
raise формировать, собирать
borrow занимать
loan заем, ссуда
profit прибыль;
liability ответственность
debt долг
assets имущество, актив
wages заработная плата