Active Vocabulary

native- родной

city - город

town –город (небольшой)

to issue- выпускать,издавать

a decree-указ

a custom-house-таможня


population- население

to produce- производить

to be founded - быть основанным

to be situated - располагаться, находиться

a cultural center - культурный центр

a lot of educational institutions-большое количество образовательных учреждений

places of interest- достопримечательности

location- расположение

region- регион. область

agriculture- сельское хозяйство

Answer the following questions

  1. When the history of Rostov-on-Don begin?
  2. What is the population of Rostov-on-Don?
  3. How many theaters are in Rostov-on-Don? What are they?
  4. What is your favorite place in Rostov-on-Don? Why?
  5. What Rostov universities do you know?
  6. How do you like Rostov-on-Don?

Make up sentences with your partner to discuss the following situation.

  1. You meet your friend. He was in Rostov last month. Ask him about the city and the weather there.
  2. You were on business last week. Answer your friend’s questions about the сity you were in and the weather there.