
· PSP pre-selected passenger · Exit (Emergency -, main -) · Emergency ditching · Emergency landing · Emergency equipment · Safety · This is for your own safety · CA station · To save/To rescue · Safe/Unsafe · Life-vest=Life-jacket (adult -, crew -,children-) · Life-raft=Rescue raft · Evacuation/To evacuate · Evacuation slides · Slide-raft · To inflate/Inflation · Inflatable slide/Non-inflatable slide · Off-wing slide · To slide (slid, slid) · Escape chute · Oxygen · Oxygen mask · Fixed (unmovable) oxygen system · Portable (movable) oxygen bottle · Fire · Fireman=Fire fighter · (Water) Fire-extinguisher · To extinguish fire · Smoldering fire · Smoke · Smoke detector · Smoke hood · CFP-cabin fire procedures · Suffocation/To suffocate · Explosives · Dangerous articles · To crash · Crash axe · Crash exit zones · Gloves · Baby floating survival cot · Escape rope · To fuel/Fueling · Handle · Assist handle · Flash light=Flash fire · Signal flare= Signal rocket · (Emergency Locator) transmitter · Megaphone · Signal mirror · Smoke goggles · Protective breathing equipment · Quick donning mask


1.Read the instructions given below:

· Please put on your seat belt. Just insert the metal end into the buckle until it clicks, and pull the loose end to tighten. To open, lift on the top of the buckle.

· To use the oxygen mask, pull on the mask down on your face and cover your nose and mouth. Lift the elastic band around your head and tighten by pulling the loose ends each side of the mask. Then, just breathe normally.

· Welcome to Hawaiian Airlines. Please note that smoking is prohibited on this plane. And that all restrooms are equipped with smoke detectors.

· Please be advised that portable electronic devices should be turned off during taking off and landing. Cellphones should remain switched off throughout the flight.

· There are 8 emergency exits on this aircraft. 4 on the left and 4 on the right. Please take a moment to locate the nearest exit and remember that it may be behind you.

2. Complete the gaps with the given words from the box:

mouth remain fastened over follow before band emergency(x2) normally stay down

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is an ________! This is an ________.

_______ in your seats with your seatbelts ________. _______ сalm and ________ these instructions. Pull ________ the oxygen mask. Put it ________ your nose and _______ immediately and breathe ________, adjusting the ________ to secure it. Do make sure your own mask is fitted properly _______ helping anyone else.

bracing exactly shows going marked pointed evacuation leaving hand baggage remove keep sides

Ladies and Gentlemen, as the captain just told you, we shall be landing in 20 minutes. For safety reasons, after landing we shall be _________ the aircraft using the _______ slides. So please listen very carefully and do _________ as instructed. Please return to your seats immediately and ________ your seatbelt fastened securely.

We are now _________ to take you through our safety procedures. Please watch and listen carefully. The safety card is in your seat pocket _______ details of your escape routes, oxygen masks and life jackets. It also shows the _________ position, which you must adopt in an emergency landing.

Emergency exits are on both ______ of the aircraft. They are clearly _______ and are being _______ out to you now. On the main deck there are two exits at the rear of the first class cabin and two at the front and rear of each cabin section. On the upper deck there is an emergency exit on each side, in the middle of the cabin.

(After landing) Please remain seated and follow instructions given to you by your crew. Do not leave your seats until instructed to do so by your crew. When the seatbelt signs are switched off, make your way to your nearest exit. Leave all personal _________ behind. Ladies, _______ high-heeled shoes, as they may tear the slide.

3.Translate the following sentences using active vocabulary:

1. В нашем самолете 6 аварийных выходов.

2. Сейчас мы покажем вам аварийные выходы.

3. Мы начинаем подготовку к аварийной посадке на сушу / на воду.

4. Все аварийные выходы снабжены надувными трапами.

5. Надуйте жилет снаружи.

6. Возьмите спасательный жилет под вашим креслом.

7. Наденьте спасательный жилет через голову.

8. Надуйте жилет у выхода.

9. Действуйте по указанию экипажа.

10. Обратите внимание на расположение аварийных выходов.

11. Аварийные выходы расположены с левой и правой сторон.

12. Аварийный выход в первом салоне справа по борту оборудован матерчатым желобом.

13. Аварийные люки на плоскости крыла оборудованы канатами.

14. Три аварийных выхода слева по борту и 2 аварийных выхода справа оборудованы надувными трапами.

15. На случай вынужденной посадки на воду на борту нашего самолета имеются спасательные жилеты.

16. Аварийные выходы в передней и хвостовой частях оборудованы автоматически надуваемыми трапами.

17. Обратите внимание на выход, расположенный рядом с вами.

18. Потяните маску на себя.

19. Поверните страховочную ручку по стрелкам.

20. Эвакуируйтесь через ближайший выход.


4.Complete the following sentences with the given words: overhead sickness landing around remain turbulence tables fold flight serving.


1.Make sure your bags are stored in the _________compartment. ( = the compartment above where the passengers sit)
2. Since this a short flight, we'll only be __________a light snack.
3. We'll be coming ________shortly to offer you drinks.
4. Sir, please ________in your seat until the plane comes to a complete stop.
5. If you start to feel nauseous, there are air-___________bags in the seat pocket in front of you.
6. We're experiencing light ___________. There's nothing to worry about.
7. Our in-__________ movie is "The Departed".
8. We'll be __________in 20 minutes.
9. The little fold-down tables where passengers eat their meals are called "meal trays" or "tray _________."
10. Passengers should __________up their meal trays before landing.


5.Match the given words with their meanings:

1. pilot a) a number of seats beside each other
2. refreshments b) when the plane leaves the ground
3. runway c) the person who drives the plane
4. seatbelt d) man or woman who provides service for passengers during a flight
5. row e) the strip of land that an airplane takes-off and lands on
6. take off f) driving an airplane to the correct place for taking off or deboarding
7. taxiing g) drinks and snacks
8. flight attendant h) device that holds passengers in their seats
9. turbulence i) a seat for pushing elderly, disabled, or injured people
10. wheelchair j) seat next to the window where passengers can look out
11. window seat k) rough flight


6.Translate the sentences:

1) A pilot is a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.

2) It’s a short flight, so we will be serving refreshments but not a meal.

3) You are in seat B of row nine.

4) The plane almost missed the runway because there was such a bad storm.

5) Please remain in your seats while the seatbelt light is on.

6) Ask one of the flight attendantsfor a pillow if you’re tired.

7) We are next in line to take offon this runway.

8) Please remain in your seats until we are taxiing to the gate.

9) This turbulence should only last a few minutes.

10) A flight attendant will take you to the gate with a wheelchair.

11) If your child wants a window seat I can move you back a row.

7.Fill in each blank with the correct word. If both words can be used, choose the one that sounds more natural in each situation:

Начало формы

1. How many (pieces/number) of luggage do you have?

2. The check-in doesn't start (for/until) another two hours.

3. So, you (missed/passed) your connecting flight because of the delay.

4. Since it was the airline's (fault/fall), we'll pay for your hotel and re-book your flight for tomorrow.

5. If you (cancellation/cancel) this ticket, you'll lose all your money. There is no refund for this type of ticket.

6. There's a special (shutter/shuttle) bus that goes/runs between Heathrow and Gatwick.

7. Are you traveling (alone/lonely)? ( = by yourself)

8. The flight will be (boarding/boring) at (departure) gate 55.

9. There's an (overnight/reserved) flight that arrives in Vancouver at 8:00 AM.

Конец формы

10. Начало формы

Do you have any (hand/arm) luggage? ( = carry-on luggage)

11. That's a little too big to carry on the plane. You'll have to (give/check) it.

12. Your flight (gets/makes) in ( = arrives) at 7:00 PM.

13. I have to charge you for the (extra/extroverted) ( = additional) bag.

14. Would you like a window seat or an (aisle/average) seat?

15. Baggage that's over the allowed limit = (Excess/Access) baggage

16. You should arrive at the gate no (later/late) than one hour before your flight.

17. I'm sorry - Your flight has been (cancelled/cancellation/cancel) because of bad weather.


18. You'll have to show the border guard your ticket and your (board/boarding) pass.


19. How do you (spelling/spell) your name?

20. I'm going to have to (consult/console) (= discuss this) with my manager.


21. Don't worry. Lost bags usually (show/shake) up (= appear) within 24 hours.

22. If someone or something is "behind schedule", it is (late/early).

23. The flight will be leaving on (hour/timetable/time). (= there won't be a delay)

24.You'll have to (hurry/fast) - They're almost finished boarding!


25. Do you have your passport, or some other (form/format) of identification?