Didn't just want to be seen with her.


She took a taxi to Tavistock Square (она взяла такси до Тэвисток-сквер). She

was pleased with herself (она была довольна собой). She was doing a good

action (она совершала хороший поступок). It would be wonderful for him in

after years (это будет так удивительно для него, годами позже) to be able to tell

his wife and children that Julia Lambert had been to tea with him (иметь

возможность рассказать его жене и детям, что сама Джулия Лэмберт пила с

ним чай) when he was just a little insignificant clerk in an accountant's office

(когда он был всего лишь незначительным клерком в бухгалтерской

конторе). And she had been so simple and so natural (и она была так проста и

естественна). No one to hear her prattling away (никто, кто слышал, как она

разговаривала; to prattle — щебетать, болтать, журчать) would have

guessed (не догадался бы) that she was the greatest actress in England (что она

была величайшей актрисой Англии). And if they didn't believe him (и, если бы

они ему не поверили) he'd have her photograph to prove it (так у него была ее

фотография, чтобы подтвердить /историю/), signed yours sincerely

(подписанная: «Искренне Ваша»). He'd laugh (он рассмеется) and say that of

course if he hadn't been such a kid (и скажет, что, конечно, если бы он не был

таким молодым: «ребенком») he'd never have had the cheek to ask her (он

никогда бы не набрался храбрости чтобы пригласить ее; to have the cheek —

иметь наглость, дерзость; cheek — щека).


children ['tSIldrqn] insignificant ["InsIg'nIfIkqnt] sincerely [sIn'sIqlI]


She took a taxi to Tavistock Square. She was pleased with herself. She was

Doing a good action. It would be wonderful for him in after years to be able to

Tell his wife and children that Julia Lambert had been to tea with him when

He was just a little insignificant clerk in an accountant's office. And she had

Been so simple and so natural. No one to hear her prattling away would have






Guessed that she was the greatest actress in England. And if they didn't believe

Him he'd have her photograph to prove it, signed yours sincerely. He'd laugh

And say that of course if he hadn't been such a kid he'd never have had the