The anomalous verbs in OE and their further development.
Among minor groups verbs that be referred neither to str nor to weak verbs, there were several anomalous (irregular0 verbs, which forms are derived from different roots. Eg: bēon (быть) – be, was, is; Pres. tense – ist; past pl - wæ‾ron, past sg – wæst;
Some verbs combined the features of weak and str verbs. Eg: dōn – a weak Past. (vowel interchange); dōn – dyde – ge – dōn (do NE).
To this group the verbs dōn (do), gān (go), willan (will), belong.
31.Preterite-present verbs in OE&their further development.
Several minor groups of verbs can’t be referred neither to str. Nor to weak group.The most important group of these verbs were preterite-present:there were12,only6 vived.
They denote not action but state.
The conjugation:
1.str.verbs.Past-the Pres.
2.weak verbs,-e,-est,-e-the Past
3.the interchanges of root vowels in the sg.&pl.of Pres-the str.v.
Most NE modal verbs have developed from themðmodal verbs don’t have the ending-s in the
34.Changes in the verb conjucation in ME&NE.
Many markers of the grammatical forms of the verb were reduced, leveled&lost in ME&early NE → growth of homonymy:
1.number distinctions were neutralized in many positions(15 th c.)
2.the differences in the forms of Person were maintained in ME:
OE-þ,-eþ,-iaþ(3 rd → -(e)th → (e)s
2 nd,-es
3 rd,s/eth
3.Past Tense: -1 st,-ed
-2 nd,des/edest
4.str. In ME the final syllables of yhe stems were weakened, early NE – were lost
5. the root–vowels underwent the regular changes of stressed vowels.
6.Past, PartII-ed,d
7.weak.ME weak verbs are the source of Mod. standart(regular)verbs.
-after a voiced consonant/a vowel:e.g.deemde [de: mde] >[di: md]>NE deemed
-after a voiceless consonant:e.g.lookede [ l э:kədə]>[lu: kəd]>[lukt]>NE looked
-after [t]/[d]e.g.wantede [wantədə]>[wэntid]> NE wanted
9.a few weak verbs adopted str.forms:e.g.wear
10.In ME many str.verbs → intj weak: they began to use dental suf. instead of the toot-verb change;
11.structural changes:
-the root vowels in the Past Sg.&Pl. often fell together. In the 15 th. c. one stem is used:in NE 3 forms of str. verb are distinguished:e.g.write-wrote-written
-the OE endings-an
-on →en (NE)
are weakened&fall together
12.the fate of the inflections:
-2 nd in early NE wentout together
-3 rdþ (-eth)-early NE were replaced by –s (north):
-in the 17 th c. we find ‘doth, hoth’ e.g. The Queen commeth&findes him dead(Королева приходит и находит его мёртвым)
-the inflexion of the pl were reduced and lost.
30.Weak verbs in OE&their further development.
The OE verb had numerous persons&number cases but it had fewer gram.categories than NE verb has.Weak verbs form their Past forms&Part.II by ending the suffix-d,-t.Had 4principle forms:
-Past Sg(macode)
-Past Pl(macodon)
There’re purely of Germanic origin.Presented a productive type.Had 3 classes
1.they differed in:
-the ending of the Inf.
-the sonority of the suf.
-the sound preceding the suf.
-the Past-de,-ede,-te
were built with the help of o/oj
4.clIII-inf.-an without vowel before the suf.
5.ME main changes:there were 2cl.-s.The 3rd cl.disappeared.
ME clI -Part.-de
-Past Part.-end,-ed
clII:Past Part.-ede,-ed
6.the development of the inflection-te(de)in early NE shows the origins of the Modern variant.