The verb to land was made from the noun land by means of conversion which is a very productive way of making new words in modern English.
In conversion, a new word and the one from which it is produced have the same phonetic shape but always belong to different categories or parts of speech, so that verbs may be produced from nouns or adjectives (е.g. to hand вручать; to comb причесывать; to pocket класть в карман; to pale бледнеть), nouns from verbs (е.g. break перерыв; drive поездка; find находка), etc.
The other two main ways of word-building are affixation (or so called derivation) and composition.
In affixation new wordsare produced with the help of affixes (that is suffixes and prefixes), е. g: beautiful, swimmer, unbelievable.
In composition new words are produced from two or more stems, е.g.: classroom, wall newspaper, good-for-nothing, blue-eyed, etc.
break υ, n hesitate υ ruin υ, n
curl υ, n land υ ruinous adj
curled adj namesake n shock υ
curling adj nod υ, n smart (-looking) adj
curly adj pause υ, n stick υ
current a. rather adv vacant adj
drive υ, n rub υ vacancy n
driver n
Word Combinations
in a way to break off to be willing to do smth.
to break out to stick to smth. (smb.) to break the record
to be down and out to break with to commit suicide
to curl one's lip to drive at to curl up
on account of to drive up (away) to be taken aback
to drive smb. mad to shrug one's shoulders to make a pause
to have bad (good) luck to rub one's hands (together)
to rum up to bring smb. (smth.) to ruin