Possible change in the system of secondary education in Russia.
P r o m p t s: universal compulsory education, to extend the training course, to improve the educational process, to modernize programmes and manuals, to use up-to-date technical equipment, to provide optional training in various subjects.
An ideal school as you see it.
VI. Bead the jokes below. See how the verbs learn and study are used in the context. Consult a dictionary and find out the difference in their meaning and usage. Retell the jokes in indirect speech:
1. A young teacher just beginning his career asks advice of an older member of the faculty: "What have you learned in your years of experience?"
"I've learned one thing. Often you will find while you are giving a lesson in class that there is one young upstart who always disagrees with you. Tell me, would you stop him and try to make him shut up right then and there?"
"I suppose I would."
"Well, don't. He's probably the only one who is listening to you."
2. A high-school girl seated next to a famous astronomer at a dinner party struck up a conversation asking, "What do you do in life?"
He replied, "I study astronomy."
"Dear me," said the young miss, "I finished astronomy last year."
VII. Translate the sentences using the words learn and study in their different meanings:
1. В молодости он изучал химию в университете. 2. Дети легко учат иностранные языки. 3. Я очень огорчился, когда узнал, что не сдал экзамен. 4. Весь вечер он занимался в своей комнате. 5. Изучите эту информацию очень внимательно- она поможет вам сделать правильный выбор. 6. Моя сестра учится, чтобы стать юристом. 7. К сожалению, он так и не научился читать и писать. 8. Вам еще предстоит научиться, как справляться с трудными проблемами на уроках.
VIII. Comment on the given proverbs. Make np a situation centered round one of them:
1. Better unborn than untaught.
2. Like teacher, like pupil.
3. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
IX. a) Fill in prepositions and adverbs where necessary: