Glossary to Old English Texts
The order of words in the Glossary is alphabetical (see the OE alphabet in § 111). Æ is included as a separate letter after A: p follows T; Q is shown as A or O; I and Y are treated as one letter since they often interchange (Y also alternates with IE). Words with the prefix ʒe- are placed according to the first letter of the root and the prefix is missed out unless it changes the meaning of the word.
The component parts of derived and compound words, wherever possible, are separated by hyphens.
The stroke / shows variant forms or spellings of the word. For words which survived in later periods the ME form is shown after the sign > ; the modern word is given in capital letters. OE words are supplied with translations if they have no modern descendants and if the meaning has changed.
Parallels from other languages and related OE words are given as clues for the analysis of the sounds, the morphological structure and the means of word formation.
See also the list of abbreviations on p. 8.
ac conj ‘but’
a-hreddan v, w.I ‘save’
and-lyfen n, F. -ō ‘food’ (rel. to OE libban v ‘live’)
Anʒel n, N. -a, name of district, mod. ANGELN, hence OE Anʒle, later Enʒle, Enʒlisc, Enʒla-land, ENGLISH, ENGLAND
Anʒel-cynn n N.-ja ‘English people’; cynn ‘tribe, clan’; (hence cyninʒ, see Notes to Text 1, p 333)
Anʒel-pēod n, F. -o ‘English people’, see Anʒel, pēod n
ār n, F. -ō ‘possessions’, ‘honour’ (cf. G Ehre)
ʒe-ascian v. w. II 'hear of', ascian> asken, ASK
ǣfre adv > evre, EVER
æfter prep > after, AFTER
æʒper/ǣʒ-hwæðer, conj, pron > either, EITHER, ǣʒðer... and ‘both... and’
ǣniʒ pron > any, ANY (cf. OE ān, ONE)
ǣr adv > ere, ERE obs. ‘before’ (cf. Gt airis, O Scand ār)
ǣrendd-raca/ǣrend-wrecca n, M. -n ‘messenger’, OE ærende n, ERRAND; wrecan v ‘drive’, ‘force’ (rel. to R враг)
bærnet n, N. -ja ‘burning’ (cf. OE bærnan v, w.I. > bernen, BURN)
be/bi prep > by, BY
be-bod n, N.-a ‘command’ (cf. OE bēodan v)
be-hātan v, str. 7 ‘promise’, see also hātan
behēte, see be-hātan
bēodan v, str. 2 ‘offer’ (cf. Gt biudan) (ret. to BID)
bēon v anom., see the forms on p. 258 (cf. R быть, стоять)
be-twih/be-tweox prep > betwix, BETWIXT (rel. to BETWEEN)
biscop n, M. -a. > bisshop, BISHOP (from L episcopus)
brecan v, str. 4 > breken, BREAK
Breotone/Brytene n, M. -i, also Bryttas n, M. -a. pl > Britons, BRITONS
burh n, F. root-stem > burgh, BOROUGH, OE ‘walled town’
burh-waru n, F. -ō ‘inhabitants of a town’
campian v, w.II ‘fight’ (cf. OE camp ‘battle’, G Kampf, from L campus)
cāsere n, M. -ja ‘emperor’ (from L Caesar)
Cent-land n, N. -a KENT (see land)
cyninʒ n, M. -a > ‘kyng’, KING (cf. OHG kuning), see Notes to Text 1
cynn n, N. -ja ‘kin’, KIN (OE 'tribe', ‘clan’) (rel. to KIND); cf Gt kuni
cӯðan v, w. I ‘make known’ (cf. Gt kunpian, OS kūðian), rel. to KNOW, CAN
cōm, cōmon v, see cuman
cuman v, str. 4 (Past cuōm/cōm, cōmon, cumen) > comen, COME
cwide/cwiðe n, M. -a ‘speech, discourse’ (rel. to cweðan v; see Notes to Text 1)
dæʒ n, M. -a > day, DAY (cf. Gt dags)
dǣl n, M. -i > deel, DEAL (OE ‘part’) (cf. Gt dails, OE dǣlan v, DEAL)
dōn v, anom. (dyde, ʒe-don) > doon, DO
drihten/dryhten n, M. -a ‘lord’, ‘God’
ēac adu > eek, EKE obs. ‘also’ (cf. Gt auk, G auch)
eal pron. > all, ALL (cf. Gt alls)
ēa-land n, M. -a > iland, island, LAND (OE ēa ‘water’,‘river’)
ealdor-mann n, M. root-stem > alderman, ALDERMAN (OE ‘chief’; OE eald/ald > old, OLD)
eardunʒ-stōw n, F. -wō ‘place of dwelling’ (cf. OE eardian ‘dwell’, OS ard, for stōw see Notes to Text 1)
ēast n, adv > east, EAST (cf. O Scand austr)
ēast-dǣl n, M. -i, see east and dǣl
Ēast-seaxe n, see ēast and Seaxe, ESSEX
eft adv ‘again’
eðel n, M. -a ‘country’
faran u, str. 6 > faren, FARE (OE ‘travel’)
fæst-lice adv, also fæste > fastly, FAST (OE ‘firmly’)
fēdan v, w.I feden, FEED (cf. OE fōd n, Gt fodian v.)
feohtan v, str. 3 > fighten, FIGHT (cf. OHG fehtan)
fēond n, M. -nd, substantivised Part.I > fiend, FIEND (OE fēon v ‘hate’)
fēower num > four, FOUR
fēower-tiʒ num > fourty, FORTY
fēran v, w.I ‘go’, ‘suffer’ (ret. to OE faran; cf. OS fōrian)
fierd/fyrd n, F. -i ‘army’ (rel. to OE faran v, fēran v)
fӯr n, N .-a > fir, FIRE
ʒe-flieman v, w.I ‘put to flight’ (cf. OE flēam n ‘flight’; rel. to OE flēoʒan v FLY, flēon, v FLEE)
folc n, N. -a > folk, FOLK
fore-sprecen ‘above-mentioned’. Part.II of fore-sprecan (OE fore adv ‘before’, sprecan v, str. 5 > speken, SPEAK)
for-ʒēafon v, see ʒiefan
for-sāwon v, see for-sēon
for-sēon v, str. 5 ‘reject’ (sēon- seah, sǣʒon/sāwon, sewen > seen, SEE)
for-swelʒan v, str. 3 ‘devour, swallow up', swelʒan > swalwen, SWALLOW
fram/from prep > from, FROM
fretan v, str. 5 ‘eat up, devour (cf. G fressen)
ʒe-friʒnan v, str. 3 Team by asking, hear of (cf. OE ʒeascian)
frið n, M./N. -a ‘peace’ (cf. G Frieden), OE frēon v, freond n, FRIEND, R приятель
fultum n, M. -a ‘support’, ‘force’
ʒaderian v, w.II > gaderen, GATHER (OE ʒæd n ‘fellowship’, see also tō-ʒædere and ʒied)
ʒafol n, N. -a ‘tribute’ (rel. to OE ʒyfan v, GIVE)
ʒēafon/ʒēafan, see ʒyfan
ʒēar n, N. -a > yeer, YEAR (cf. G Jahr; orig. mean, ‘spring’)
Ӡeat, Ӡeatas n, M. -a, a Scand tribe or, perhaps, the Jutes
ʒeond adv, prep, also be-ʒeondan > yond, beyond, BEYOND
Ӡermania n, F. -ō, GERMANY
ʒied n, N. -ja ‘word’, ‘speech’ (rel. to OE ʒaderian v)
ʒiefan/ʒyfan v, str. 5 (ʒeaf, ʒēafon, ʒefen) > yiven/ʒiven, GIVE
ʒieldan/ʒyldan v, str. 3 > yelden, YIELD (OE also ‘pay’)
ʒislian v, w.II ‘give hostages’
ʒod n, M. -a > god, GOD (cf. O Scand goð, Gt. gup)
habban v, w.III haven, HAVE (cf. G haben, L habēre)
bāliʒ adj > holy, HOLY (cf. Gt hailags)
hām n, M. -a, adv > hoom, HOME (cf. Gt haims)
hām-weard adv > hoomward, HOMEWARDS (see him n; see -weard in Notes to Text 1 — norpweard)
hand n, F. -u > hand, HAND
hātan v, str. 7 ‘name’, ‘promise’, ‘order’ (cf. Gt ga-haitan, G heiβen)
hæfde v, see habban
hǣlo/hǣlu n, F. -in ‘safety’ (rel. to OE hāl, WHOLE; cf. Gt
hē pron > he, HE, see the forms of OE hē (p. 103)
hearm n, M. -a > harm, HARM (cf. O Scand harmr, R срам)
heora pron, see the forms of hie (p. 103)
hēr adv > here, HERE
here n, M. -ja ‘host’, ‘army’ (cf. Gt harjis, G Heer)
herʒian v, w.II > heren, harwen, HARRY (rel. to OE here)
herʒoð n, M. -a ‘harrying, ravaging' (rel. to OE here, herʒian)
hēt, hēton v, see hātan
hie/hӯ pron ‘they’, see the forms of hie (p. 103)
hider adv > hider, HITHER
hire pron, see the forms of hēo (p. 103)
hit pron > it, IT, see the forms of hit (p. 103)
hors n, N. -a > hors(e), HORSE
hund n. num, N. -a, later hundred > hundred, HUNDRED
hwil n, F.-ō > while, WHILE
I. Y
ic pron > ich, i, I, see the forms (p. 103)
yfel n, N. -a adj > ivel, evel, EVIL (cf. Gt ubils)
ilca/ylca pron > ilke, ILK, obs. ‘same’
ymb/ymbe prep, adv ‘about’ (cf. OHG umbi; OE be/bi, by, BY)
yrʒðo/ierʒðu n, F. -ō ‘cowardice’
land n, N. -a, ‘land’, LAND
laðian v, w.II ‘invite’ (cf. G einladen)
lǣdan v, w.I > leden, LEAD (cf. PG *laidjan)
lǣstan v, w.I > lasten, LAST (OE also ‘carry out’) (cf. Gt laistjan)
maʒan v, Pret. -Pres. (mæʒ, Past mihte/meahte) > ‘may, might’, MAY, MIGHT
mann n, M. root-stem > man, MAN (OE also indef, pron. ‘one’)
mann-slieht n, M. -i ‘manslaughter’ (OE mann n, MAN and slieht n, rel. to slēan v, SLAY, see slēan)
māra, see micel
mǣst, see micel
mē pron, see the forms of ic (p. 103)
menn-isc-nyss n, F. -jō ‘incarnation of man’ (cf. OE mann, n MANN, mennisc, adj MANNISH)
metsunʒ n, F. -ō ‘provision’ (rel. to OE mete ‘food’, MEAT)
micel adj, adv (cf. māra, superl. mǣst > michel/muchel, MUCH)
mid prep ‘with’
mihte, mihten v, see maʒan
mild-heort-nes n ‘mercy, pity’ (OE milde adj, MILD, heorte n HEART, cf. NE mild-heartedness)
Myrce/Mierce n, M. -i or M. -n pl ‘Mercians’
mōdor n, F. -r > moder, MOTHER (cf. O Scand moðir, L māter)
nāmon, see niman
nǣfre adv (ne + ǣfre) nevre, NEVER
niehsta/nӯhsta adv superl. of nēah; comp. nēarra > neer, NEAR æt niehstan ‘at last’
niʒon num > nine, NINE
nolde neg. particle + wolde, see willan
norð/norðan adv ‘in or from the North’ > north. NORTH
Norðhymbre n, M. -i pl. ‘Northumbrians’
oft adv > oft/often, OFTEN (cf. Gt ufta)
on-fēnʒ, see on-fōn
on-fōn v, str. 7 (past onfēng. Part. II onfangen) ‘undertake’, ‘receive’
on-herʒian, see herʒian
on-tendan v, w.I ‘set on fire’
pund n, N. -a pound, POUND (from L pondō)
rǣdan v, str. 7 and w.I > reden, REDE obs. READ (OE also ‘decide’ rel. to RIDDLE)
rice n. N. -ja ‘kingdom’ (cf. OE rice adj ‘strong’, ‘rich’)
ridan v, str. 1 riden, RIDE
sǣ n, F/M. -i > see, SEA (cf. Gt saiws)
sǣ-rima n, M. -n ‘sea shore’ (cf. OE sæ n), SEA, RIM
sceolde v, see the forms of OE sculan (p. 123), SHOULD
scip/scyp n, N. -a ship, SHIP
scip-here n ‘hostile naval force’, see scip and here
scir n, F. -ō > shire, SHIRE
sē pron M. ‘that’, ‘the’, see the forms of OE sē (p. 104)
sealdan/sealdon, see sellan
secʒan v, w.III > seyen, SAY (cf. G sagen, PG *sagjan)
sellan v, w.I (past sealde) > sellen, SELL (OE also ‘give’) (cf. OE salu n, Gt saljan v)
sendan v, w.I > senden, SEND (cf. Gt sandjan)
sēo pron ‘that’, 'the', see the forms of OE sēo (p. 104)
sibb n, F. -jō ‘peace,’ ‘relationship’ (rel. to GOSSIP)
siʒe n, M. -i ‘victory’ (cf. G Siege)
syxta/siexta num > sixth, SIXTH
slēan v, str. 6 (slōʒ, sloʒon, slæʒen) > sleyen, SLAY
ʒe-slōʒon v, see slēan
sōna adv > sone, SOON
stapol n, M. -a ‘foundation’ (rel. to OE standan v, STAND)
stæl-ʒiest n ‘thievish guest’, OE stæl n, stelan v, STEAL OE ʒiest/ʒӕst, cf. OHG gast, R гость)
stranʒ adj > strong STRONG
sum pron > some, SOME
suð adj, adv > south, SOUTH
Suð-seaxe, see suð and Seaxe, SUSSEX
swican v, str. 1 ‘deceive’, ‘cease’
to-ʒædere adv > together, TOGETHER (rel. to OE ʒaderian v, GATHER, see ʒaderian)
pā adv ‘then’, ‘when’
pā pron ‘those’, ‘the’, see the forms of sē, sēo, pæt (p. 104)
panon/ponan adv > thannes/thennes, THENCE
pam/pæm pron, see the forms of sē, sēo (p. 104)
pāra/pǣre pron, see the forms of sē, sēo, pӕt (p. 104)
pǣr adv > there, THERE
pæs pron, see the forms of sē, pæt (p. 104)
pæt pron > that, THAT, see the forms of pæt (p. 104)
pe conj or connective particle ‘which’, ‘that’
pēod n, F. -ō ‘people’ (rel. to OE pēodan; cf. Gt piuda)
pēodan v, w.I ‘join’, ‘associate’ (rel. to OE pēod)
pēof n, M. -a > thief, THIEF (cf. Gt piubi)
pes, pēos, pis pron, M., F., N. > this, THIS
pyncan v, w.I (past pūhte) > thinken, THINK (OE ‘seem’; cf. Gt pugkjan)
pisses pron, Gen. sg of pes, pis
pissum pron, Dat. sg of pes, pis; Dat. pl of pēs, pēos, pis
pone pron, see sē
ponne adv > thanne/thenne, THAN, THEN
pūhte v, see pyncan
pusend num thousend, THOUSAND
un-ā-secʒend-lic adj ‘unspeakable’, see secʒan
un-be-fohten adj ‘unopposed’, see feohtan
under-fēnʒon past of under-fōn v str. 7 ‘receive’, see on-fōn
un-frið n, M. -a ‘enmity’, ‘war’, see frið
un-ofer-swlpend-lic adj ‘unconquerable’ (OE swiðan v ‘strengthen’, see also swiðe in Notes to Text 1; cf. unasecʒendlic)
ūr pron > our, OUR, see the forms of OE wē (p. 103)
wǣre, wǣron v, see bēon
wæs, see bēon (cf. OHG was)
wæstm-bǣr-nys n, F. -jō ‘fertility’ (OE wæstm ‘growth’, bærnes ‘bearing’, rel. to beran v, BEAR)
wēnan v, w.I > wenen, WEEN (OE ‘think’), cf. O Scand vana
weorod/werod n, N. -a ‘troop’ (OE wer ‘man’)
weorp-scipe n, M. -a > worship, WORSHIP (OE weorp adj, WORTH)
West-seaxe n, west adv, WEST, see Seaxe, WESSEX
wide adv > wide, WIDE (OE wid adj)
wiʒa n, M. -n ‘warrior’, ‘man’ (cf. Gt weihan ‘make war’, L vincere, NE invincible)
willan v, anom. (past wolde) > will, wolde, WILL, WOULD
ʒe-winn n, N. -ja ‘fight’ (see also winnan v, ʒe-winna n)
ʒe-winna n, M. -n ‘enemy’ (see also ʒe-winn n, winnan v)
winnan v, str. 3 > winnen, WIN (OE also ‘fight’)
winter-setl n 'winter quarters' (OE winter n, WINTER, setl ‘seat’, SETTLE, cf. R седло, NE saddle)
wyrcan v, w.I (past worhte) > wurchen/werken, WORK
wita n, M. -n ‘councillor’ (cf. OE wit n, witan v, WIT)
wip prep > with, WITH
wip pon pe conj ‘on condition that’
wolde v, see willan
word n. N. -a > word, WORD (cf. L verbum, PG *verdham)
worhton, see wyrcan
wunnon, see winnan