Notes on Lexis
Etymology. All the words are native, except Finn, name of a non-IE tribe. Most of the words come from the roots of the common IE layer and have parallels outside the Germanic group, e. g.:
OE sǣde, secʒan, NE say | — Lith. sakyti |
OE his, hē, NE he | — R сей |
OE cyninʒe, cyninʒ, NE king | — L genus |
OE Norðmanna, man, NE man | — Sanskr manu |
OE būde, būan, rel. to bēon, NE be | — R быть |
Specifically Germanic words are: land, swiðe, huntoð, sǣ.
Specifically English formations are: hlāford, Ælfrēd, stycce-mǣlum.
Word structure and word formation. Most words are simple — either originally or after the loss of stem suffixes — e. g. hē, secʒan, eal, buan, cweðan, land, winter, lanʒ, norð, ēac, etc.
Derived words are:
cyn-ing — from the root *kun- plus the suffix -ing, building patronymics; lit. “coming from a tribe, clan”, cf. cynn Neut. -ja ‘tribe, clan’
swip-e — adv from the adj swip ‘strong’ with the help of -e, an adverb-building suffix and others.
Compound words: Norð-mann— made up of norð- and mann;
West-sǣ — made up of west- and sǣ Fem. -i and others.
Simplification is seen in hlāford — see § 232.
Text 2. From the ANGLO-SAXON CHRONICLES (A. D. 911)
Read the text and its translation into Mod E. Make a grammatical analysis of the italicized words and a phonetic analysis of the words marked with an asterisk according to the models given for Text 1 (use the Glossary). Write out the words derived from the same roots and analyse the means of derivation.
911. Hēr bræc sē here* on Norðhymbrum pone frið, and forsāwon ǣlc frið pe Eadweard cyninʒ* and his witan him budon, and herʒodon ofer Miercna land, and sē cyninʒ hæfde ʒeʒadrod sum hund scipa, and wæs* pā on Cent, and pā scipu fōron be sūpan ēast* andlang sǣ* tōʒēanes him. pā wēnde* sē here pӕt his fultumes sē mǣsta dǣl wǣre* on pǣm scipum, and pæt hie mihten faran unbefohtene pǣr pǣr hie wolden. pā ʒeascode sē cyninʒ pæt pæt hie ūt on herʒoð fōron, pa sende* hē his fierd ǣʒðer ʒe of Westseaxum ʒe of Miercum, and hie offōron ðone here hindan, pā he hāmweard* wæs, and him pā wið ʒefuhton and pone here ʒefliemdon*, and his fela pūsenda ofslōʒon ...