• Grammar:Continuous Tenses (Active and Passive) (§2.2).
Functions of the verb to be(§ 8}
• Word-formation:suffix -ness.
• Individual Work:Lab Work "Functions of the verb tobe".
Pre-text Exercises
I. Practise the reading of the following words:
exclamation [ˏeksklə'meɪS(ə)n], acquaintance [ə'kweɪnt(ə)ns], experience [ɪks'pɪərɪəns] , occurence [ə'kʌr(ə)ns], bullet ['bulɪt], microwave ['maIkrəweɪv], equipment [I'kwIpmənt], frequency ['fri:kwənsɪ], wavelength ['weɪvleNT], intelligence [In'telɪʤ(ə)ns], message ['mesIG], to occur [ə'кə:], cancer ['kænsə], nothing ['nATIN], ultraviolet ['ʌltrə'vaɪəlIt] .
II.Make sure if you can read these words correctly and say what words in the Russian language help you to guess their meaning:
guide, cycle, spectrum, to register, reason, organization, position, to start, satellite, typical, electronics, to characterize, interval, activity, vibration, object, programme, hospital, machine, radar, distance, problem, antenna, sport, form, interesting, element, progress, result, test.
III.Give the initial words of the following derivatives:
different, communication, cooker, technological, invisible, equipment, vibration, quickly, responsible, relatively, typical, ceaselessly, probably, magnetic, ultraviolet, announcement, occurence, transmitter, receiver, organization, hunter.
IV.Form nouns adding the suffix -ness to the given adjectives. Translate them into Russian:
Example: complete – completeness
great, effective, useful, light, bright, ready, soft, black, thick, rough, weightless, shapeless, exact, unique, hard, harmful, empty, brief.
V.State what parts of speech the words in heavy type belong to. Translate the sentences:
1. He worksas a teacher. One of Mendeleyev's important worksis his book "Principles of Chemistry". 2. He thoughtabout his future work. The book contained his thoughtsabout further development of national economy. 3. Chargethis battery, please. 4. Your answerto the question was not logical. You answerthe questions really well. 5. These housesare nine stories high. Our laboratory housesvarious kinds of equipment. 6. A centimetre is a measureof length. We measureenergy in the form of heat. 7. I like music and have many records.The instrument recordsthe changes of temperature. 8. If you have no book, you may usemine. What's the useof doing it? 9. Use a piece of copper wireto repair the instrument. Wirethe day of your arrival. 10. How many secondsare there in a minute? The secondexperiment was very interesting for its results. 11. Einstein gave all his life to the increaseof human knowledge. The discoveries in physics increaseour possibilities in other sciences 12. Men and women in our country have equalrights. A right angle equals90°.
VI.Make sure if you remember the three forms of the following verbs. Translate the verbs into Russian:
be – was/were – been; bear – bore – born; begin – began – begun; buy – bought – bought; feed – fed – fed; find – found – found; get – got – got; give – gave – given; hold – held – held; hear heard – heard; know– knew – known; lie – lay – lain; make – made – made; meet – met – met; run – ran – run; say – said – said; send – sent – sent; sit – sat – sat; take – took – taken; understand – understood – understood.
VII.Define the tense-forms of the verbs in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. Belarusian people are developingthe economy of the country. 2. The output of the factory will be growingduring the current five-year period. 3. Our scientists are usingthe energy of atom in various spheres of life. 4. The engineers were attachingthe wires to the devices when I camein. 6. At present they are studyingvarious aspects of this problem. 7. When we listento a radio programme we are usingthe rays that are calledradio waves. 8. The scientist was solvinga new problem when we visitedhis laboratory last week. 9. What isshe doingthis week? 10. John was readinga book when I cameto see him. 11. My friend is writingan article for the newspaper. 12. The student was carryingout this experiment for twenty minutes. 13. The plane was flyingover the Ukraine. 14. I'm workingtoo hard this year. 15. Molecules in a gas areconstantly moving.16. The electron is circlingin an orbit around a nucleus.
VIII.Read the following sentences and say which of them are in the Active and which are in the Passive Voice. Translate them into Russian:
1. While the experiment was being carriedout nobody leftthe laboratory. 2. A new type of computing equipment is being producedat our plant. 3. At present scientific work is being donemostly by large groups of researchers. 4. The apparatus will be workingwhen you come.5. The scientists who are carrying outresearch into nuclear physics dealwith the most difficult problems. 6. For twenty minutes the air in the laboratory was being purifiedby two ventilators. 7. The solar battery is convertingthe energy of sun rays directly into electric energy. 8. This experiment was being carried outunder low pressure.9. For a long time the electronic devices were being usedfor control. 10. An interesting research in the field of electronics is being doneat our Institute. 11. Prospects of the usage of solar energy arealready understoodby everybody. 12. Now solar energy is being studiedby a lot of research groups. 13. Our scientists and engineers are developingnew types of electronic and cybernetic devices. 14. We were lookingfor a more simple method of solution but could not find it. 15. The engineers will discussthe advantages of this new system. 16. Our laboratory is housedin an old building.
IX.Translate the following word-groups. Pay attention to the tense forms of the predicates:
the problem occupied; the century began; they are obtaining; the scientists understood; the satellite was on its orbit; the property depended; the program is being broadcast; the physicist was searching; a new radio set was demonstrated; the elements constituted; the man thought; new results are being obtained; the chemist wrote; the discovery established; the particle became; the scientist was applying; the point of view differed; the engineer is measuring; the concept explains; the idea was supported; the particle will be divided; the phenomenon was explained; astronomy is studying; the telescope is built; the power plants were being controlled; the observation shows; the energy was converted; the data will be checked.
X.Analyse the functions of the verb to be. Translate the sentences into Russian:
The results of the experiment are of great importance for our further work. 2. There are no chemical plants in our town. 3. The substance that we are speaking about is water. 4. We are to translate technical literature in the second year. 5. It was the study of natural phenomena that made it possible to formulate various laws. 6. Probably the most important use of electricity in the modern house is producing light. 7. Technical progress is now impossible without high-quality materials. 8. Electronics is being used more and more throughout the industry. 9. The electron is a particle. 10. The machine is of five parts. 11. Our task is to finish the test by 7 o'clock. 12. Radio was invented by a talented Russian scientist A.S.Popov. 13. Words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order. 14. Smoking is dangerous. 15. The temperature is three degrees above zero. 16. My friends are mostly students. 17. It is the only positive solution. 18. The British are very proud of their sense of humour. 19. This scientific discovery was the result of six years' research. 20. Our aim is to accomplish this task as soon as possible. 21. He will be an engineer in two years. 22. Their house is in the middle of the village.
XI. Match up the words which are similar in meaning:
purpose, in the sphere of, to make, important, aim, proper, common, to work out, to vary, time, in the field of, significant, ray, to define, to operate, to develop, to differ, to show, method, to function, to demonstrate, technique, device, to determine, standard, to produce, suitable, beam, period, instrument.
XII. Try to memorize the words and word-groups:
■ probably – возможно, вероятно ■ exclamation – восклицание ■ to be related to – иметь отношение к ■ to have similar experience – иметь подобный опыт ■ to have nothing to do with – не иметь ничего общего с ■ to turn out – оказываться ■ after all – в конечном счете ■ to listen to a radio programme – слушать программу по радио ■ to refer to – ссылаться; называть ■ sun-tan lamp – лампа для загара ■ to guide – направлять, вести ■ bullet – пуля ■ cancer – рак, раковая опухоль ■ to resemble – иметь сходство; напоминать ■ complete – полный, законченный.
I. Read the title of the following text. Can you guess what the text might be about?
II. Study text A. Try to understand all details. Use a dictionary if necessary:
Text A
Seven Rays, One Family
1. "Isn't it a small world."1 You have probably heard this exclamation many times. People often say it when they find that acquaintances they had met at different times and places, and whom they never connected with each other, turn out to be related to each other. Scientists often have a similar experience with occurrences in nature . Things or events that at first seem to have nothing to do with3 each other turn out to be related after all. We shall repeat this experience with seven kinds of rays. We find them in different places, and use them in different ways, but they are close relatives. They are members of one family, the family of electromagnetic waves.
2. The kind of ray that mankind has known for the electromagnetic waves and have the lowest frequency.
1. Isn't it a small world – Мир тесен.
2.occurrences in nature – явления в природе
3. things or events that at first seem to have nothing to do with ... – предметы или события, которые, как кажется на первый взгляд, ничего не имеют общего ...
III. Say whether the following statements are true or false:
1. These seven types of rays do not differ from each other. 2. Seven kinds of rays are close relatives. 3. We find three types of invisible rays in use in our homes. 4. We meet three types of rays outside the home. 5. These seven types of rays differ from each other in their frequency. 6. The frequency is the number of cycles in a second. 7. Radio waves have the highest frequency.
IV. Find the information explaining why we call light a visible ray. Read the information to your partner.
V. 1) Answer the questions on paragraph 3:
1. What rays do we deal with when we listen to a radio programme? 2. How are infrared rays referred to sometimes? 3. What rays do we use when we sit under a sun-tan lamp? 4. What kind of rays can we find inside the hospital? 5. Are microwaves used with radar equipment?
2) Name the types of invisible rays we find in use: a) in our homes-, b) outside the home.
VI. In paragraph 4 find the English equivalents to the following words:
луч, тип, частота, расстояние, напоминать, длина волны, период, полный (законченный), двигаться, называть, длинный, низкий, количество.
VII. Speak about the electromagnetic waves using English words from the logical diagram.
VIII. Fill in the boxes of the following logical diagram with English equivalents.
IX. Say briefly what each paragraph is about.
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X. Read paragraph 4 again and say what makes the seven rays different from each other.