wild brood stocks | косяк (стая) рыб в реке |
captivity | неволя |
brood fish | ручьевая рыба |
spawn | нереститься, выметывать икру |
fall | осень |
to broadcast | разбрасывать |
to fertilize | оплодотворять |
to hatch | выклевываться |
benthos | бентос – донные живые организмы (личинки насекомых и др.) |
nekton | нектон |
red drum | красный горбыль |
striped bass | полосатый окунь |
11.4 Translate the given Russian words into the English ones:
1) Some species spawn in fall or (зима), some in (весна).
2) The key to inducing spawning may be changing temperature such as falling temperature late in the year or (повышение) temperature in the spring.
3) Increasing or (уменьшение) the amount of daylight present.
4) The larval animals may swim about in the plankton to enter the benthos or (нектон) community.
Topic for discussion
1. Speak about conditions required for reproduction.
Part 2
Read the following international words and translate them. (Mind the part of speech).
Natural, hormone, injections, product, ammonia, incubation, periods, mechanical, category.
Give Russian equivalents of the following words and word combinations.
Adhesive masses, hormone injections, shallow nests, warm water species, proper conditions, brood animals, to induce spawning, mechanical damage, waste products.