Structure of the earth



КГКП «Геологоразведочный колледж»

Блейм-Стегайло А.А.

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0701000 – «Геологическая съемка, поиск и разведка

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0704000 – «Геофизические методы поисков и разведки
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Семей 2014

Учебное пособие разработано преподавателем английского языка КГКП «Геологоразведочный колледж» Блейм-Стегайло А.А.


Учебное пособие рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании ПЦК английского языка геологоразведочного колледжа

Протокол №____ от « »______________2014 г.

Председатель ПЦК английского языка ____________Бейсембинова Б.Ж.



Урок Тема урока Стр.
1.   Cодержание
    Part 1. General geography. Geographic cover.  
2. Lesson 1 Lithosphere and the Earth’s crust.
3. Lesson 2 Atmosphere and climate.
4. Lesson 3 Hydrosphere. Biosphere.
    Part 2. General economic and geographic description of the world  
5. Lesson 4 Political map of the world.
6. Lesson 5 World resources, their classification.
7. Lesson 6 Population of the world and its reproduction
    Part 3. Regional survey of the world  
8. Lesson 7 The USA.
9. Lesson 8 Mineral resources of the USA
10. Lesson 9 Latin America. General characteristic.
11. Lesson 10 European countries. General characteristic.
12. Lesson 11 Mineral resources of European countries
13. Lesson 12 Great Britain
14. Lesson 13 Canada. Mineral resources of Canada.
15. Lesson 14 Australia. Mineral resources of Australia.
16. Lesson 15 Africa. General characteristic.
17. Lesson 16 Asia. General characteristic.
18. Lesson 17 Japan.
19. Lesson 18 China. India
20. Lesson 19 Kazakhstan. General characteristic. Mineral resources of Kazakhstan.
    Part 4. Mankind on the earth  
21. Lesson 20 Preservation of peace on the earth. Universal problems of the present.
22.   Литература и средства обучения
23.   Приложения

Part 1. General geography. Geographic cover.

Lesson 1

Theme: Lithosphere and the Earth’s crust.


1. Structure of the earth

2. Asthenosphere and lithosphere

3. Continental and oceanic earth’s crust

Structure of the earth

Earth structure includes crust, mantle, core, hydrosphere, atmosphere, magnetosphere.

The Core is the inner part of the earth, it is the center of the Earth; it’s under extreme pressure. It consists of iron and nickel. Relative temperature is from 2,000C to 5,000C. Density: 10 to 13 times denser than water. What does the core consist of? OUTER CORE is area of molten metal that surrounds the inner core. Because the earth rotates, the outer core spins around the inner core and that causes the earth's magnetism. It is in liquid state. INNER CORE is a dense ball of iron and nickel, because of the intense pressure this part is in solid state.

The Mantle is the portion of the interior beyond the crust. It begins about 6 miles (10 km) below the oceanic crust and about 19 miles (30 km) below the continental crust. It consists of silicon, oxygen, iron, and magnesium. Relative Temperature varies from 870C to 2,200C. Density: 3.3 to 5.5 times denser than water. Upper portion of the mantle is considered to be extending up to 400 km. It is the main source of magma that finds its way to the surface during the volcanic eruption. It has a density higher than the crust (3.4g/cm).