Translate into Russian the expressions on the left and react to the statements in a polite manner using the suggestions given on the right.

It goes contrary to our plans.

It's next to impossible.

I'm sorry to say no.

We are eager for lunch.

It was hard talks, but it's

all over now!

My secretary will fix you up

with all you need.

We've captured a big contract

to supply ...

We all have to adjust

to new situations.

Our arrangement will operate


Perhaps we can settle for ...

May I trouble you

to consider our plan.

Жаль, что ...

He наша вина ...

Что поделаешь ...

Время прощаться.

{Благодарность за участие

в переговорах.)

Вы очень любезны.

Какая удача!

Попытаемся ...

Всегда готовы помочь.

Само собой! Хорошо! Сделаем все возможное!

Read and learn some idioms you may hear during the talks with your foreign partners.

Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе, брать быка за рога открыть карты витать в облаках любой ценой идти на компромисс проще простого поставить все на карту по крайней мере знать толк в чем-л. найти общий язык с ... Игра стоит свеч.

не откладывая дела в долгий ящик стоять на своем без сучка, без задоринки ставить точки над i

A bird in the hand is worth

two in the bush, to take the bull by the horns to lay cards on the table to be in the clouds at all costs

to split the difference easy as ABC

to put all one's eggs in one basket at all events

to have an eye for something to see eye to eye with ... The game is worth the candle, to let no grass grow under one's feet to stand one's ground without a hitch to cross a "t" and not an "i"


You meet a foreign delegation arrived in your home town. They bring many presents for representatives of your firm. Write the plot of a short play and act it out. Use the expressions of gratitude given below.

Thank you. Yes, please. No, thank you. Thank you for ... Thank you so/very much. Thanks a lot. Thank you for coming to see us. Thanks for the visit. Thank you for remembering us. Thank you for keeping in touch. I don't know how to thank you. Thank you. Much obliged. I would like to express our gratitude. We are so grateful to you!

Спасибо! Спасибо, да. Спасибо, нет. Спасибо вам за ... Большое спасибо!

Спасибо, что навестили нас.

Спасибо за то, что не забываете нас.

Даже не знаю, как вас благодарить.

Я вам очень признателен.

Позвольте выразить вам нашу


Мы вам так благодарны!

Think of and write a larger play on private business talks. Use the expressions of this lesson and previous ones.

Act as the Chairman at a press conference on the problems of studies and work abroad.