ACCEPTANCE AND REFUSAL (Прием и отклонение предложений)


  Valeva Natalya 46, Bolshaya Pereyaslavskaya Str., ap. 1 Russia E-mail:
  March 13, 2012
Associate Chair Faculty of Education The University of Western Ontario 1138 Western Road London, ON, Canada N6G 1G7  
Dear Sirs,  
Thank you very much for your offer of admission and teaching assistantship. I regret that I cannot accept your offer because I have already accepted an offer from University of Toronto, where the programme is closer to my field of interest.
I am very grateful for your consideration and favourable attitude towards my application.
With many thanks for your help  
Sincerely yours,  
Natalia Valeva  

Пример письма, в котором вы принимаете предложение:



Dear Sirs,

I was very pleased to learn that I was admitted as a student in the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management and that the teaching assistantship is being offered to me. Your department has excellent reputation, and it is an honour to me to be accepted there.

I would like to inform you that I accept your offer of admission and teaching assistantship in the fall of 2012. I am also sending you this acceptance via e-mail.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this message by return e-mail.

Please send me information about on-campus housing.

With many thanks for your generous help.

Sincerely yours,

Natalia Yaleva

Learn the expressions used in the letters and render in English the contents of the letters.









Урок 17

Topic 1: Searching for a Job Abroad.

Topic 2: Drawing up and Filling in Documents.

Searching for a Job Abroad

Познакомьтесь вкратце с теми процедурами и документами, ко­торые требуются при трудоустройстве (в частности в США):

Text 1

1. То begin your job search, you must identify the kind of job you want, where the jobs are, and what employers expect.

2. If you are a student or a graduate of a vocational, technical, or professional (university) training programme and you have the same interests, you already know the kind of job you want.

3. Begin by thinking about the work you can do. Include the work you have been trained to do, the work you have actually done, and the work you enjoy doing.

4. Next, talk to as many people as possible about your job interests and concerns.

5. Thinking and talking help you build a network of people interested in helping you.

6. This network will lead to specific job contacts.

7. However, job counselling is also useful.

8. Job counselling is a professional service that may include vocational interest and aptitude testing; informing and advising about particular jobs; and providing training and guidance in the various steps at a job search.


1. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and
word combinations.

Поиски работы; профессиональное учебное заведение; профес­сиональные контакты; служба трудоустройства; проверка профес­сиональной пригодности и интересов; обучение и руководство.