Translate into English.

Студент последнего курса; список дисциплин с указанием коли­чества академических часов; прием в качестве студента; осенний семестр (амер.); анкетный бланк; дополнительная информация; финансовая помощь; требования к поступающим.

Write a request of your own.

COVERING LETTER (Сопроводительное письмо)

(Адрес отправителя) (Кому адресовано)

Dear Sir,

As my application for the fall of 2012, I am sending you the following materials (enclosed):

1. Completed Application Form.

2. Completed International Student Financial Statement.

3. Certified copy of my official transcript (academic certificate) with attached official translation into English made by the Moscow State Notary Office 1.

4. Two-page Personal Statement.

5. Three letters of recommendation (in separate envelopes).

6. Copies of TOEFL, TWE.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this packet.

Please also let me know if you need any additional documents.

I would be very grateful to you if you would duplicate your admission decision via e-mail.

Thank you for consideration of my application. Sincerely yours, Natalia Valeva

Translate into English.

Заполненная анкета; рекомендация; официальная копия дипло­ма; документ; решение о приеме.

4. Spell the abbreviations of the tests and translate into Russian their
full names.

TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language

TWE Test of Written English

TSE Test of Spoken English

Translate into English your academic certificate.