Расскажите о настоящем моменте по образцу.
It's winter. It's January. It's Monday today. It isn't early. It's 11 o'clock. It's cold. It' s snowing.
12. Прочитайте рассказ. Скажите, что собираются делать люди.
Перескажите рассказ.
It's evening. It isn't late yet. It's only 5 o'clock. There are 6 cups, 6 saucers and 6 tea-spoons on the table. There is a big cake and a hot tea pot in the middle of it. There are some chocolates and nuts on the plate. There is some cream and sugar on the table too.
13.Ja) Прочитайте, переведите, разыграйте диалоги; б) замените
выделенные курсивом словосочетания на данные в скобках (2 ва
рианта) и разыграйте полученные диалоги.
1. "Iam hungry. And what about you?"
"Me too. Let's have a bite",(перекусим)
"Right you are. Why not drop into(заскочим) this cafe? They say it's nice and cosy".
"O.K.............................. "
"What will you have?"
"I'd like pizza and a cup of tea. And you?"
"I'll have the same."
{a meat pie and a cup of black coffee', crab salad and a glass of
tomato juice)
2. At the Table
"Please, pass me the salt, will you?" "Here you are." "Thank you." "Don't mention it." {a piece of bread', the marmalade)
3. "They serve very good beefsteak here in this cafe."
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, it's very delicious",[di'lijbs] (вкусный)
4. "What's for the first course?"[ko:s] на первое)
"Fish soup."
{chicken soup', cabbage soup)
5. "What will you have for the main course?"(на второе)
"And what is on the menu?"[menju] (в меню)
"Pork and potatoes are".
(fish and chips; mutton chops and spaghetti)
6. "Another helping"(nopumo)of the cucumber salad?
"No, thanks, I am full",(я наелся)
(Russian salad (винегрет); plum pudding)
7. "Sit down to breakfast! Would you like cottage cheese first?"
"No, thanks, just a cup of tea."
(bacon and eggs, a cup of coffee; a boiled egg, a cup of coffee
with milk and toast)
8. "Have another cup of tea?"
"Thank you, with pleasure."
(piece of pie; sandwich ['saendwicfc]
14. а) Прочитайте, переведите, перескажите текст;
б) найдите предложения с герундием, неопределенно-личные и безличные предложения.
Eating Out
Eating out at cafes and restaurants is very popular in many countries. A lot of people enjoy visiting their favourite restaurants almost every day.
On coming to a cafe or a restaurant you can take a vacant[Veikont] свободное) seat or you can book(заказать) a table by phone. A waiter or a waitress(официантка) brings you the menu and the wine list(карта вин). You choose what you'd like to have and make your order. There is always a wide choice of appetizers['aepi taizaz] (закуски), meat, fish and vegetable dishes at any good cafe or restaurant. You can start with a salad or fish; for a first course you can have some kind of soup and for a main course they usually offer meat or fish and vegetables. You can also order some wine from the wine list and then it is time for dessert[di'z3:t] десерт). After having dinner you get the bill which you pay and leave a tip(чаевые) of 15% of your bill to the waiter.
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