А) Прочитайте, переведите, озаглавьте текст.

What are the ordinarymeals of an Englishman? His weekdays begin early in the morning when he sits down to breakfast with his morning newspaper. He can have cornflakesor something like that with milk and sugar, porridge, bacon and eggs or a boiledegg. Then come toast with marmaladeor butter and tea or coffee. These are traditional English foods to begin a new day with. But some people nowadays prefer to have a "continental" breakfast of rollsand butter and coffee. In offices and other places there is sometimes a short break for a cup of tea or coffee at about 11 o'clock and soon after that everything stops for lunch. Beef­steaks, chops, roast beefwith a lot of vegetables are the disheswhich English people like for that meal. Then they have a sweet dish: pudding,fruit or ice-cream and tea or coffee to finish.

Traditional tea is at 4 or 5 o'clock. For some people it's the biggest meal of the day. The other evening meals can be dinner or supper. A lot of people go out to have them at restaurants or cafes. Others prefer a quiet evening at home.


ordinaryfoidinsn] обычный

cornflakesкукурузные хлопья


marmalade['maimaleid] джем из цитрусовых

roll[гэи1] булочка

beefsteak[birfsteik] бифштекс

chop— отбивная

roast beef['rsustbiif] ростбиф


pudding['pudir)] — пудинг

Б) Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How many meals a day do you usually have?

2. Do you eat much for breakfast?

3. At what time do you have breakfast at weekends?

4. Which do you prefer: tea or coffee for breakfast?

5. Do you often eat out?

6. Which do you like more: meat or fish?

7. Do you enjoy cooking?

8. Who usually cooks in your family?

9. Do you often invite friends to dinner?

10. When do you have the last meal of the day?

Суммируйте ваши ответы и расскажите, как вы едите в течение дня.

6. Прочитайте количественные и порядковые числительные. Обра­тите внимание на выделенные числительные.

one — the firstseven — the seventh

two — the secondeight — the eighth

three — the thirdnine — the ninth

four — the fourth ten — the tenth

five — the fiftheleven — the eleventh

six — the sixth twelve — the twelfth

thirteen — the thirteenth twenty — the twentieth

fourteen — the fourteenth twenty-one — the twenty-first

fifteen — the fifteenth thirty — the thirtieth

sixteen — the sixteenth forty — the fortieth

seventeen — the seventeenth fifty — the fiftieth

eighteen — the eighteenth sixty — the sixtieth

nineteen — the nineteenth seventy — the seventieth

eighty — the eightieth ninety — the ninetieth
a hundred — the hundredth