Lecture № 2
Theme: Phonetic features of Germanic Languages.
Aim:- to make an introduction of the Linguistic Features of the Germanic Languages, its aims and principles
- to activate students’ to brainstorm on the questions
- to provide a summary of key items
- to link the students experience with learning
- to make learning two-way process
Activity descriptions:
I. Introduction to the general features of the Germanic Languages.
II. Presentation of Phonetics. Word Stress. Vowels.
III. Presentation of Proto-Germanic Consonant Shift.
IV. Presentation of Grammar and Vocabulary.
Questions for brainstorming:
1. What is the reason of phonetic changes?
2.What might lead to grammatical changes?
3.Do you recognize any phonetic, grammar or vocabulary changes in your time?
Lists of literature:
1. Аракин В.Д. Очерки по истории английского языка.- М., 1955.
2. Залесская Л.Д, Матвеева Д.А Пособие по истории английского языка.–
М., Высшая школа , 1984..
3.Мортон А. История Англии, М., 1955.
4. Расторгуева Т.А.История английского языка, В 2-х частях- М., 1972.
All the Germanic languages of the past and present have common linguistic features; some of these features are shared by other groups in the IE family, others are specifically Germanic.
The Germanic group acquired their specific distinctive features after the separation of the ancient Germanic tribes from other IE tribes, and prior to their further expansion and disintegration, that is during the period of the PG parent-language. These PG features inherited by the descendant languages, represent the common features of the Germanic group. Other common features developed later, in the course of the individual histories of separate Germanic languages, as a result of similar tendencies arising from PG causes. On the other hand, many Germanic features have been disguised, transformed and even lost in later history.