Вечеринка The Party

We were four at the party. Louisa came with her boy-friend, Tony, and I took to the party my brother Richard. Don’t you know them? Louisa is a young woman with long, straight dark hair and she wears glasses. Her boy-friend Tony has short-cut curly dark hair. He is always with a pipe. He smokes too much, I think. My brother Richard wears a beard and a moustache and he doesn’t smoke.

We began with prawn cocktail, cheese sandwiches, crisps, biscuits and peanuts. Wine and orange juice suited all these very well. Then came soup. The table was very good. We had very delicious lamb cutlets and mashed potatoes. Roast beef was served with chips.

For dessert we chose apple pie and black coffee. But Louisa preferred white coffee with ice cream.


Ex. 1. Используя слова в таблице, составьте шесть предложений о людях, пришедших на вечеринку. Using the words from the table write six sentences about the people at the party.


A woman   A man with short dark curly long fair straight hair and a pipe a beard a mous-tache glasses is talking is sitting is standing to next to near a man the woman


Ex.2. Найдите каждому слову место в предложениях, которые описывают внешность мужчины и женщины. Put the words into the right places.

She has got…, hair and she wears….She is wearing a ….. dress. He has got a …. and a … . He has got …, … hair.


Glasses, fair, short, long, beard, moustache, dark, curly.


Ex.4. Найдите среди перечисленных слов те, которые пишутся с заглавной буквы:

Day, john, atlantic ocean, nineteenth, was, river, I, mr.spencer, typewriter, italian, monday, he, pm, bos ltd, milgrom and co, egypt, mouth, sea, see, mount everest, river thames, ten, paris, it, december, english.





boy-friend – приятель

young – молодой

long - длинный

straight - прямой

dark - темный

hair - волосы

to wear - носить

glasses - очки

short – короткий

curly – кудрявый

pipe – трубка

to smoke – курить

to think – думать

nice – приятный

couple – пара

beard – борода

moustache – усы

prawn – креветки

cheese – сыр

crisps –чипсы

biscuits –печенье

peanuts –арахис

wine –вино

orange juice-апельсиновый сок

to suit –подходить, соответствовать

soup – суп

delicious – вкусный

lamb cutlets – бараньи отбивные

mashed potatoes – картофельное пюре

roast beef – поджаренный кусок говядины (хребтовая часть)

chips – жареный картофель

dessert – десерт

to choose – выбирать

apple pie – яблочный пирог

black coffee – черный кофе

to prefer – предпочитать

white coffee – кофе с молоком

cream – сливки

dress – платье

month – месяц

day – день

sea – море

to see - видеть




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