Chairman: Ladies and Gentlemen. As you know, each speaker is allowed twenty minutes for the presentation of his paper. I certainly realize that this time is insufficient to cover the subject fully. And besides, we need question time. Still I hope the presentation will provide the ground for interesting and stimulating discussion.
Before I give the floor to the first speaker, I’d like to outline the agenda for this session. There are six papers on the agenda, but Dr. Weeks’ presentation has been shifted for the afternoon on his reguest. This morning we’ll discuss various aspects of heterojunction structures of both theoretical and experimental nature. And now I have the pleasure of introducing our first speaker, Dr. Rundle of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He will speak about interband scattering in a two-dimensional electron gas. Welcome, Dr. Rundle.
E x e r c i s e . Role play. Act as Chairman:
a) address the audience; b) tell the speakers about the time they are allowed for presenting of their papers; c) express hope that the presentations will be followed by an interesting discussion; d) briefly outline the agenda; e) introduce the first speaker and, if possible, say a few words about his professional background.
When given the floor, the speaker usually begins by thanking the Chairman and saying that he appreciates the opportunity to speak at this session. He can do it like this:
(1) | Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am happy to have thisopportunity to speak at this session. The subject of my paper is the quantum size effect. |
(2) | Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is certainly a privilege to speak at this session. I will discuss some aspects of superconductivity. |
(3) | Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate thisopportunity to present my paper here. |
Papers / Scientific contributions
invited / solicited papers (доклады по приглашению) | contributed / free / uninvited papers (доклады, заявленные по инициативе самих участников) |
Papers may be:
main / background/ keynote addresses / lead papers (основные доклады), overview / review papers (обзорные доклады), reports (отчетные доклады), tutorial papers (доклады образовательного характера), information papers (информационные доклады), summary papers (краткие доклады), detailed papers (подробные доклады), plenary papers (пленарные доклады), section papers (секционные доклады), poster papers (стендовые доклады).