- intermediate – средний, промежуточный
- vessel – сосуд
- to compress – сжимать
- layer – слой
- to disturb – нарушать
- mean – средний
- gradually – постепенно
- in turn – в свою очередь
- to rub – тереть
- friction – трение
- viscosity – вязкость
- fluidity – текучесть
- to enable – позволять
- surface – поверхность
- dense – плотный, густой
- to flow – течь
- density – плотность
- to diminish – уменьшаться
- velocity – скорость
- to escape – улетучиваться
- to fill – наполнять
II. Выполните упражнения
Ответьте на вопросы
1. What position does liquid state occupy? 2. What shape does liquid take? 3. Is it possible for a liquid to be compressed? 4. Why is it impossible? 5. What does the change of a liquid into the gaseous or solid states depend on? 6. What will happen if we place one liquid layer on top of a layer of a more dense liquid in which it is soluble? 7. Do all liquids flow with the same ease? 8. What is the friction generated by? 9. Why are the molecules of a liquid much closer together than those of a gas? 10. What is evaporation?
2. Переведите предложения. Определите функцию герундия в предложении и его форму.
1. Discussing the topic helped both of us to understand it better. 2. Professor N’s participating in this conference attracted many other scientists. 3. His having made detailed notes at the lecture helped him to successfully pass the examination. 4. Our article being accepted in the Journal of Analytical Chemistry is a great honour to us. 5. There is no saying that the difference in temperature is too great. 6. Sometimes, preparing substances requires less skill than keeping them. 7. Solid bodies have the property of keeping their shape without supporting of a vessel. 8. Upon being heated, the molecules begin moving very quickly. 9. Without being treated this substance cannot be used. 10. At last our research-workers succeeded in getting good results. 11. By using this law we define a unit charge of electricity.
Заполните пропуски предлогами где необходимо, переведите предложения.
1. Crystals … iodine melt when they are heated … 114º C. 2. Liquid iodine differs … solid iodine … its fluidity. 3. Usually, liquid fits itself … the shape … the bottom space … its container. 4. The process … melting can be described … the following way. 5. This process is interesting … the molecular viewpoint. 6. Regularity … atomic or molecular arrangement is characteristic … a crystal. 7. A liquid is characterized … randomness … structure. 8. A solid occupies … a definite volume.